This first one is easy - avoid gratitude.
Yep, it’s really that simple. Just be diligent to avoid any mention of thankfulness toward those who helped send you out and are continuing to pray for you and financially support you.
The Problem
As Christians one of the hallmark characteristics that defines us ought to be gratitude. Countless places in the Bible command us to be a people who are thankful. And while all of our gratitude should ultimately be directed toward our generous and gracious God, we are also meant to be people who are thankful toward one another.
God has graciously supplied for your needs through the faithful, generous, and (often) sacrificial giving of others. There is much to be thankful for in that. What a beautiful gift that God has supplied for your needs by his church! How wonderful that so much of your supply has been provided by others so that you can focus on the work God has called you to.
Habits of Gratitude
By God’s grace, perhaps you aren’t guilty of this omission. But believe me that there are many who take their support for granted.
Even if you generally do a pretty good job of expressing gratitude the following practices may help you stir up and communicate gratitude in new ways.
Stirring up Gratitude
- Pray for your gospel partners. Review the list of actual people who are partnered with you. Take some time to regularly pray for each of them by name and be thankful to God for how his provision through them (whether great or small) has been a blessing to you.
- Make a list of specific things your gospel partners have made possible through their financial giving and support.
Showing Gratitude
- Communicate regularly with your gospel partners. You cannot express gratitude if you’re not in regular communication. If you’re not already doing this, commit to sending one email per week.
- Be specific. What exactly are you thankful for? How can you share what your supporters’ giving and prayer have made possible?
- Make it personal. If you’ve received an extra gift from someone during the year consider taking the time to send a video or a good ol’ fashioned hand-written thank you note.
- If you received an anonymous gift consider being grateful to God for the generosity of his people in front of your whole mailing list. The person who did the giving will be blessed to see that their gift was appreciated, and God will get the glory. And others will rejoice and praise God with you for his faithfulness.
- Keep it short, but always include gratitude. This doesn’t have to be a long paragraph. It really can be a single sentence or two toward the end of every email you send. But it doesn’t hurt to make gratitude the single topic of an email a few times throughout the year, either.
Thank You
Speaking of gratitude - I am so thankful for you. I’m specifically thankful today for the way you and your family have counted the cost and then sacrificed many of the pleasures and comforts of this world for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ being proclaimed to all peoples.
Soli Deo Gloria
Life as a missionary is hard enough. Financial stress and lack of support make it harder. I can help. Schedule a free call to find out how you can build better relationships with your gospel partners and increase your support.